Greetings! Welcome to our first post from Europa! We have arrived in the Netherlands after a fairly decent flight from Toronto. The KLM flight featured several children in our vicinity but all of whom were very well behaved the whole flight. While we weren’t able to sleep much (I swear that airlines are squeezing more and seats in at the expense of anything resembling comfort), we arrived in Amsterdam and felt somewhat refreshed. Overnight flights are always a bit rough, though and it may take some time to adjust to our new time zone.
Clearing customs quickly, we found the concourse at Schiphol Airport and attended to our needs. Euros, a Dutch SIM card and train tickets were on the agenda as we prepared to move on from Amsterdam to our first real stop on the Tour of Awesome™. Don’t worry, Amsterdam, we’ll be back in a few days. The train ride to The Hague was a little awkward as we were traveling with our plentiful baggage, enough for a seven week stay with musical instruments, dance costumes as well as the basic necessities, but we did manage to get off the train at the right stop, catch the tram and get to a great cafe called Lolapalooza near our lodgings.
Now, we’re gathering ourselves as we prepare for the coming weeks. Paromita has her workshop tomorrow(!) and her performance on Sunday. If you’re a dancer, or just appreciate dance, and you’re in the neighbourhood of The Hague (which, I guess, is almost all of the Netherlands), I highly recommend you come down! You’ll also hear me play some saxophone on Sunday, after which I’ll be shedding the weight of the instrument until we return for the KlezFactor tour at the end of July!
Have you visited KlezFactor’s Indiegogo campaign yet? Your contribution will help us record KlezFactor: Europa this summer! Lots of great perks are available including digital and physical copies of Europa, KlezFactor’s back catalogue, your name in the liner notes, a book of KlezFactor’s sheet music, and more! Contribute now to make your mark!