Encore, Encore

It’s been a couple of weeks but I’ve finally been able to take advantage of some downtime in Istanbul to edit and post a couple of clips from the Mike Anklewicz Trio’s concert in Amsterdam.

Listening back to the recording, I’m amazed at the warmth of the sound in the 300-year-old Portuguese Synagogue; I think the acoustic trio sounded fantastic there and now it’s time to share that with all of you!

The first tune that I posted is called Dem Rebns Havdule and was originally recorded by the European clarinetist V. Belf (or V. Belufa) and his “Rumanian Orchestra.” Recorded before World War I, this this tune was played a little more up-tempo in the recorded but we felt that a slower, more contemplative pace would suit our surroundings in Amsterdam.

The second piece is a medley of two Sirbas that I found in the recorded repertoire. The tune opens with the first two sections of a Sirba recorded by Orchestra Orfeon in Istanbul, Turkey while the second was recorded by Belf (or one of his imitators) as Sirba Populare. This version was taken from our encore, literally playing the song again after we had finished the concert.




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